Plomion Christophe

Plomion Christophe

Researcher in Forest Genetics

Team E4E

Christophe Plomion

Christophe PLOMION


« Biodiversity Genes & Communities, BIOGECO» research unit
69, route d'Arcachon, 33610 CESTAS– France



Academic Qualifications

  • Habilitation Degree (HDR) from Orsay University (Paris XI), 2000
  • PhD Thesis from the National Agronomic School of Rennes ENSAR (1995), lab work carried out at NCSU (Raleigh, NC, USA).
  • Engineer's Degree in plant breeding from ENSAR, 1992

Academic appointments

  • 2019-present : Head of the BIOGECO research unit
  • 2008-2018: Deputy head of the Ecology division of INRAE
  • 1995-present: Researcher at INRAE


My research interest is in the area of molecular, quantitative and population genetics in forest trees. This includes research on:

  • the genetic architecture of quantitative traits in pine, oak and eucalyptus, to decipher the genetic and molecular basis of phenotypic variation in trees
  • the genetic basis of local adaptation and speciation in oak. To this end we established a reference genome sequence for pedunculate oak and sequenced the genome and transcriptome of i/ sessile oak populations along altitudinal and latitudinal clines, and ii/ four sister species of the European white oak species complex, to study both their divergence in terms of structural variation and gene regulation.

Publications: google scholar

Publications since 2010


  • Le Provost G, Lalanne C, Lesur I, Louvet JM, Delzon S, Kremer A, Labadie K, Aury JM, Da Silva C, Moritz T, Plomion C. Oak stands along an elevation gradient have different  molecular strategies for regulating bud phenology. BMC Plant Biology 23: 108
  • Wagner, Stefanie; Seguin-Orlando, Andaine; Leplé, Jean-Charles; Leroy, Thibault; Lalanne, Céline; Labadie, Karine; Aury, Jean-Marc; Poirier, Sandy; Wincker, Patrick; Plomion, Christophe; Kremer, Antoine; Orlando, Ludovic. Tracking population structure and phenology through time using ancient genomes from waterlogged white oak wood. Mol Ecol
  • Song Y, Bouteiller XP, Larter M, Plomion C, Sin F,Delzon S. A safe breeding ground: genetically improved maritime pine for growth and stem form has more efficient but not more vulnerable xylem. Tree Physiol 10.1093/treephys/tpac125
  • Scotti I, Lalagüe H, Oddou-Muratorio S, Scotti-Saintagne C, Ruiz Daniels R, Grivet D, Lefèvre F, Curby Ph, Fady B, González-Martínez SC, Roig A, Lesur I, Bagnoli F,  Guerin V, Plomion C, Rozenberg Ph, Vendramin G. Common microgeographical selection patterns revealed in four European conifers. Mol Ecol 32 10.1111/mec.16750


  • Le Provost G, Brachi B, Lesur I, Lalanne C, Labadie K, Aury JM, Da Silva C, Postolache D, Leroy T, Plomion C. Gene expression and genetic divergence in two sympatric oak species highlights adaptive genes to soil water constraints. Plant Phys. 190: 2466-2483
  • Le Provost G, Gerardin T, Plomion C, Brendel O. Molecular plasticity to soil water deficit differs between sessile oak (Quercus Petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) high- and low-water use efficiency genotypes. Tree Physiol. 42: 2546-2562
  • Archambeau J, Benito Garzón M, Barraquand F, De Miguel Vega M, Plomion C, González-Martínez SC. Combining climatic and genomic data improves range-wide tree height growth prediction in a forest tree. Am Nat 200:E141-E159
  • Liang YY, Yuan S, Shi Y, Zhou BF, Chen XC, QQ, Ingvarsson PK, Plomion C, Wang B. Linked selection shapes the landscape of genomic variation in three oak species. New Phytol 233: 555-568
  • de Miguel M, Rodríguez-Quilón I, Heuertz M, Hurel A, Grivet D, Jaramillo-Correa JP, Vendramin GG, Plomion C, Majada J, Alía R, Eckert AJ, González-Martínez SC. Polygenic adaptation and negative selection across traits, years and environments in a long-lived plant species (Pinus pinaster Ait., Pinaceae). Mol Ecol 31 (7), 2089-2105
  • Saleh D, Chen J, Leplé JC, Leroy T, Truffaut L, Dencausse B, Lalanne C, Labadie K, Lesur I, Bert D, Lagane F, Morneau F, Aury JM, Plomion C, Lascoux M, Kremer A. Genome-wide evolutionary response of oaks since the Little Ice Age. Ecology Letters 6 (1), 4-20
  • Bagdevi Mishra, Bartosz Ulaszewski, Joanna Meger, Jean-Marc Aury, Catherine Bodénès, Isabelle Lesur-Kupin, Markus Pfenninger, Corinne Da Silva, Deepak K Gupta, Erwan ,Guichoux, Katrin Heer, Céline Lalanne, Karine Labadie, Lars Opgenoorth, Sebastian Ploch, Grégoire Le Provost, Jérôme Salse, Ivan Scotti, Stefan Wötzel, Christophe Plomion, Jaroslaw Burczyk, Marco Thines. A chromosome-level genome assembly of the European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) reveals anomalies for organelle DNA integration, repeat content and distribution of SNPs. Front Genet doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.691058
  • Sterck L, de María N, Cañas RA, de Miguel M, Perdiguero P, Raffin A, Budde KB, López-Hinojosa M, Cantón FR, Rodrigues AS, Morcillo M, Hurel A, Vélez MD, de la Torre FN, Modesto I, Manjarrez LF, Pascual MB, Alves A, Isabel MP, Callejas M, Pizarro A, El-Azaz J, Hernández-Escribano L, Guevara MA, Majada J, Salse J, Grivet D, Bouffier L, Raposo R, de la Torre A, Zas R, Cabezas JA, Ávila C, Trontin JF, Sánchez L, Alía R, Arrillaga I, González-Martínez SC, Miguel C, Cánovas FI, Plomion C, Díaz-Sala C, Cervera MT. In : The pine Genome. Chapter 5 : Maritime pine genomics in focus. 67-123. Springer


  • Gailing O,Hipp AL, Plomion C, Carlson JE (2021) Oak Population Genomics. In: Population Genomics. Springer, Cham.
  • Hurel A, de Miguel M, Dutech C, Desprez-Loustau ML, Plomion C, Rodríguez-Quilón I, Cyrille A, Guzman T, Alía R, González-Martínez SC, Budde KB. Genetic basis of growth, phenology and susceptibility to biotic stressors in maritime pine. Evolutionary Applications 14: 2750-2772
  • Lang T, Abadie P, Léger V, Decourcelle T, Frigerio JM, Burban C, Bodénès C, Guichoux E, Le Provost G, Robin C, Tani N, Léger P, Lepoittevin C, El Mujtar V, Hubert F, Tibbits J, Paiva J, Franc A, Raspail F, Mariette S, Reviron R, Plomion C, Kremer A, Desprez-Loustau ML, Garnier-Géré P. High-quality SNPs from genic regions highlight introgression patterns among European white oaks (Quercus petraea and Q. robur). PCI Forest and Wood Sciences. DOI : 10.1101/388447
  • Damestoy T, Moreira X, Jactel H, Valdes-Correcher E, Plomion C, Castagneyrol B. Growth and mortality of the oak processionary moth, Thaumetopoea processionea L., on two oak species: direct and trait-mediated effects of host and neighbour species identity. Entomologia Generalis 41: 13-25
  • Opgenoorth L, ………….Plomion C …………... . The GenTree-Platform: linking phenotypes, tree-level environmental data, and genotypes in twelve major European forest tree species. Gigascience 10(3):giab010.
  • Benavides R, …… Plomion C, ….. The GenTree leaf collection: inter- and intraspecific leaf variation in seven forest tree species in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 590-597
  • Bert D, Le Provost G, Delzon S, Plomion C, Gion JM. Needle anatomic plasticity is related to better water-use efficiency and resistance to embolism in fast-growing Pinus pinaster families in conditions of water scarcity. Trees 35: 287–306


  • Kremer A, Plomion C, Leroy T, Alexandre H, Truffaut L, Delzon S, Ducousso A, Torres-Ruiz JM, Wagner S. Evolution passée et contemporaine des chênes. Rev For Fr 72 : 297-318
  • Martínez-Sancho E ….. Plomion C, …... The GenTree Dendroecological Collection, tree-ring and wood density data from seven tree species across Europe. Scientific Data 7:1
  • Damestoy T, Jactel H, Belouard T, Schmuck H, Plomion C, Castagneyrol, B. Tree species identity and forest composition affect the number of oak processionary moth captured in pheromone traps and the intensity of larval defoliation. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 22: 169-177
  • Bartholomé J, A. Mabiala A, Burlett R, Bert D, Plomion C, Gion JM. The pulse of the tree is under genetic control: eucalyptus as a case study. Plant J 103: 338-356
  • Wagner S, Plomion C, Orlando L. Uncovering signatures of DNA methylation in ancient plant remains from patterns of post-mortem DNA damage. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:11
  • Plomion C, Martin F. Oak genomics is proving its worth. New Phytol 226: 943-946
  • Plomion C. Profile. New Phytol 226: 084-986
  • Bartholomé J, Brachi B, Marçais B, Mougou-Hamdane A, Bodénès C, Plomion C, Robin C, Desprez-Loustau ML. The genetics of exapted resistance to two exotic pathogens in pedunculate oak. New Phytol 226: 1088-1103
  • Hipp AL, Manos PS, Hahn M, Avishai M, Bodénès C, Cavender-Bares J, Crowl A, Deng M, Denk T, Fitz-Gibbon S, Gailing O, González-Elizondo MS, González-Rodríguez A, Grimm GW, Jiang XL, Kremer A, Lesur I, McVay JD, Plomion C, Rodríguez-Correa H, Schulze ED, Simeone MC, Sork VL, Valencia-Avalos S. Genomic landscape of the global oak phylogeny. New Phytol 226: 1198-1212
  • Leroy T, Louvet JM, Lalanne C, Le Provost G, Labadie K, Aury JM, Delzon S, Plomion C, Kremer A. Adaptive introgression as a driver of local adaptation to climate in European white oaks. New Phytol 226: 1171-1182
  • Leroy T, Rougemont Q, Dupouey JL, Bodénès C, Lalanne C, Belser C, Labadie K, Le Provost G, Aury JM, Kremer A, Plomion C. Massive postglacial gene flow between European white oaks uncovered genes underlying species barriers. New Phytol 226: 1183-1197
  • Leroy T, Plomion C, Kremer A. Oak tree symbolism in the light of genomics. New Phytol 226: 1012-1017


  • Damestoy T, Brachi B, Moreira X, Jactel H, Plomion C, Castagneyrol B. Oak genotype and phenolic compounds differently affect the performance of two insect herbivores with contrasting diet breadth. Tree Physiol. 39: 615–62
  • Pont C, Wagner S, Kremer A, Orlando L, Plomion C, Salse J. Paleogenomics: reconstructions of plant evolutionary trajectories using modern and ancient DNA. Genome Biology 20: 29


  • Tuskan GA, Groover A, Schmutz J, DiFazio S, Myburg A, Grattapaglia D, Smart L, Yin T, Aury J-M, Kremer A, Leroy T, Le Provost G, Plomion C, Carlson J, Randall J, Westbrook J, Grimwood J, Muchero W, Jacobson D, Mitchener J. Hardwood tree genomics: Unlocking woody plant biology. Front Plant Sci 9: 1799.
  • Lesur I, Alexandre H, Boury C, Chancerel E, Plomion C, Kremer A. Development of target sequence capture and estimation of genomic relatedness in a mixed oak stand. Front Plant Sci 9: 996
  • Plomion C, Aury JM, Amselem J, Leroy T, Murat F, Duplessis S, Faye S, Francillonne N, Labadie K, Le Provost G, Lesur I, Bartholomé B, Faivre-Rampant P, Kohler A, Leplé JC, Chantret N, Chen J, Diévart A, Alaeitabar T, Barbe V, Belser C, Bergès H, Bodénès C, Bogeat-Triboulot MB, Bouffaud ML, Brachi B, Chancerel E, Cohen D, Couloux A, Da Silva C, Dossat C, Ehrenmann F, Gaspin C, Grima-Pettenati J, Guichoux E, Hecker A, Herrmann S, Hugueney P, Hummel I, Klopp C, Lalanne C, Lascoux M, Lasserre E, Lemainque A, Desprez-Loustau ML, Luyten I, Madoui MA, Mangenot S, Marchal C, Maumus F, Mercier J, Michotey C, Panaud O, Picault N, Rouhier N, Rué O, Rustenholz C, Salin F, Soler M, Tarkka M, Velt A, Zanne A, Martin F, Wincker P, Quesneville H, Kremer A, Salse J. Oak genome reveals facets of long lifespan. Nature Plants 4: 440-452
  • Cannon CH, Brendel O, Hipp AL, Kremer A, Kua C-H, Min D, Plomion C, Romero-Severson J, Sork VL. Building a global genomic perspective on Fagaceae diversity. New Phytol 218: 894-897
  • Wagner S, Lagane F, Seguin-Orlando A, Schubert M, Leroy T, Guichoux R, Chancerel E, Bech-Hebelstrup I, Bernard V, Billard C, Billaud Y, Bolliger M, Croutsch C, Čufar K, Eynaud F, Heussner KU, Köninger J, Langenegger F, Leroy F, Lima C, Martinelli N, Momber G, Billamboz A,  Nelle O, Palomo A, Piqué R, Ramstein M, Schweichel R, Stäuble H, Tegel W, Terradas X, Verdin F, Plomion C, Kremer A, Orlando L. High-Throughput DNA sequencing of ancient wood. Mol Ecol 27: 1138-1154
  • Dia Sow M, Allona I, Ambroise C, Conde D, Fichot R, Gribkova S, Jorge V, Le-Provost G, Pâques L, Plomion C, Salse J, Sanchez-Rodriguez L, Segura V, Töst J, Maury S (2018) In: Advances in Botanical Research. Epigenetics coming of age for breeding applications. Epigenetics in forest trees: state of the art and potential implications for breeding and management in a context of climate change. 88: 387-453


  • Song J, Brendel O, Bodénès C, Plomion C, Kremer A, Colin F (2017) X-ray computed tomography to decipher the genetic architecture of tree branching traits: oak as a case study. Tree Genet Genomes 13: 5
  • Holliday J, Aitken S, Cooke J, Fady B, González-Martínez S, Heuertz M, Jaramillo-Correa J, Lexer C, Staton M, Whetten R, Plomion C (2017)Advances in ecological genomics in forest trees and applications to genetic resources conservation and breeding. Mol Ecol 26: 706-71
  • Leroy T, Roux C, Villate L, Bodénès C, Romiguier J, Paiva J, Azema Dossat C, Aury JM, Plomion C, Kremer A (2017) Extensive recent secondary contacts between four European white oak species. New Phytol 214: 865-878
  • Vidal M, Plomion C, Raffin A, Harvengt L, Bouffier L (2017) Forward selection in a maritime pine polycross progeny trial using pedigree reconstruction. Ann For Sci 74: 21


  • Le Provost G, Lesur I, Lalanne C , Da Silva C, Labadie K, Aury JM, Leplé JC, Plomion C (2016) Implication of the suberin pathway in adaptation to waterlogging and hypertrophied lenticels formation in pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). Tree Physiol 36: 1330-1342
  • Bartholomé J, van Heerwaarden J, Bink MCAM, Chancerel E, Boury C, Lesur I, Isik F, Bouffier L, Plomion C (2016) Linkage and association mapping for two major traits of the maritime pine breeding program: tree height and stem straightness. PlosOne 11: e0165323 (PDF)
  • Plomion C, Bartholomé J, Bouffier L, Brendel O, Cochard H, de Miguel M, Delzon S, Gion JM, González-Martínez SC, Guehl JM, Lagraulet H, Le Provost G, Marguerit E, Porté A (2016) The genetic basis of adaptation to water deficit in trees through the examination of water use efficiency and cavitation resistance: maritime pine as a case study. JPH 3: e-008 (PDF)
  • Bartholomé J, Van Heerwaarden J, Isik F, Boury C, Vidal M, Plomion C, Bouffier L (2016) Performance of genomic prediction within and across generations in maritime pine. BMC Genomics 17:604
  • Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Ehremann F, Kremer A, Plomion C (2016) High-density linkage mapping and distribution of segregation distortion regions in the oak genome. DNA Res 23:115-24
  • Hego E, Vilain S, Barré A, Claverol S, Dupuy JW, Lalanne C, Bonneu M, Plomion C, Mench M (2016) Copper stress-induced changes in leaf soluble proteome of Cu-sensitive and tolerant Agrostis capillaris L. populations. Proteomics16, 1386-1397
  • Isik F, Bartholomé J, Farjat A, Chancerel E, Raffin A, Sanchez L, Plomion C, Bouffier L (2016) Genomic selection in maritime pine. Plant Science 242, 108-119
  • Lesur I, Köller A, Martin F, Kremer A, Plomion C, Le Provost G (2016) Transcriptomic resources for Hazelnut tree (Corylus avellana L.) in Genomic Resources Notes. Dryad Digital Repository. Mol Ecol Res 16: 377
  • Plomion C, Bartholomé J, Lesur I, Boury C, Rodríguez-Quilón I, Lagraulet H, Ehrenmann F, Bouffier L, Gion JM, Grivet D, de Miguel M, de María N, Cervera M, Bagnoli F, Isik F, Vendramin GG, Gonzalez-Martinez SC (2016) High-density SNP assay development for genetic analysis in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). Mol Ecol Res 16: 574-587
  • Plomion C, Aury JM, Amselem J, Alaeitabar T, Barbe V, Belser C, Bergès H, Bodénès C, Boudet N, Boury C, Canaguier A, Couloux A, Da Silva C, Duplessis S, Ehrenmann F, Estrada-Mairey B, Fouteau S, Francillonne N, Gaspin C, Guichard C, Klopp C, Labadie K, Lalanne C, Le Clainche I, Leplé JC, Le Provost G, Leroy T, Lesur I, Martin F, Mercier J, Michotey C, Murat F, Salin F, Steinbach D, Faivre-Rampant P, Wincker P, Salse S, Quesneville H, Kremer A (2016) Decoding the oak genome: public release of sequence data, assembly, annotation and publication strategies. Mol Ecol Res 16: 254-265
  • Plomion C, Bastien C, Bogeat-Triboulot MB, Bouffier L, Déjardin A, Duplessis S, Fady B, Heuertz M, Le Gac AL, Le Provost G, Legué V, Lelu-Walter MA, Leplé JC, Maury S, Morel A, Oddou-Muratorio S, Pilate G, Sanchez L, Scotti I, Scotti-Saintagne C, V, Trontin JF, Vacher C (2016) Forest tree genomics: 10 achievements from the past 10 years and future prospects. Ann For Sci 73: 77-103
  • Jacquot JP, Couturier J, Didierjean C, Gelhaye E, Morel-Rouhier M, Hecker A, Plomion C, Gütle D, Rouhier N (2016) Structural and functional characterization of tree proteins involved in redox regulation: a new frontier in forest science. Ann For Sci 73: 119–134
  • Cabezas JA, González-Martínez SC, Collada C, Guevara MA, Boury C, de-María N, Eveno E, Aranda I, Garnier-Géré P, Brach J, Alía R, Plomion C, Cervera MT (2016). Nucleotide polymorphisms in a pine ortholog of the Arabidopsis degrading enzyme cellulase KORRIGAN are associated with early growth performance in Pinuspinaster. Tree Physiol 1000-1006


  • Vidal M, Plomion C, Harvengt L, Raffin A, Boury C, Bouffier L (2015) Paternity recovery in two Maritime pine polycross mating designs and consequences for breeding. Tree Genet Genomes 11: 105
  • de Miguel M, Bartholomé J, Ehrenmann F, Murat F, Moriguchi Y, Uchiyama K, Ueno S, Tsumura Y, Lagraulet H, de Maria N, Cabezas AJ, Cervera MT, Gion JM, Salse J, Plomion C (2015) Evidence of intense chromosomal shuffling during conifer evolution. GBE 7: 2799-2809
  • Mauriat M, Leplé JC, Claverol S, Bartholome J, Negroni L, Richet N, Lalanne C, Bonneu M, Coutand C, Plomion C (2015) Quantitative proteomic and phosphoproteomic approaches to decipher the signaling pathway of reaction wood formation in poplar. J Prot Res 14: 3188-3203
  • Lepoittevin C, Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Villate L, Lang T, Lesur I, Boury C, Ehrenmann F, Zelenica D, Boland A, Besse C, Garnier-Géré P, Plomion C, Kremer A (2015) Single-nucleotide polymorphism discovery and validation in high density SNP array for genetic analysis in European white oaks. Mol Ecol Res 15:1446-59
  • Lesur I, Le Provost G, Bento P, Da Silva C, Leplé JC, Murat F, Ueno S, Bartholomé J, Lalanne C, Ehrenmann F, Noirot C, Burban C, Loustau ML, Léger V, Amselem J, Belser C, Quesneville H, Stierschneider M, Fluch S, Feldhahn L, Tarkka M, Herrmann S, Buscot F, Klopp C, Kremer A, Salse J, Aury JM, Plomion C (2015) The oak gene expression atlas:  insights into Fagaceae genome evolution and the discovery of genes regulated during bud dormancy release. BMC Genomics 16:112
  • Lesur I, Bechade A, Lalanne C, Klopp C, Noirot C, Leplé JC, Kremer A, Plomion C, Le Provost G (2015) A unigene set for European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and its use to decipher the molecular mechanisms involved in dormancy regulation. Mol Ecol Res 15:1192-1204
  • Jaramillo-Correa JP, Rodriguez-Quilon I, Grivet D, Lepoittevin C, Sebastiani F, Heuertz M, Garnier-Géré P, Alía R, Plomion C, Vendramin GG, González-Martínez SC (2015) Molecular proxies of climate maladaptation in a long-lived tree (Pinus pinaster Aiton, Pinaceae). Genetics 199: 793-807
  • Bartholomé J, Mabiala A, Savelli B, Bert D, Brendel B, Plomion C, Gion JM (2015) Genetic architecture of carbon isotope composition and growth in Eucalyptus across multiple environments. New Phytol 206: 1437-1449
  • Goicoechea PG, Herrán A, Durand J, Bodénès C, Plomion C, Kremer A (2015) A linkage disequilibrium perspective on the genetic mosaic of speciation in two hybridizing Mediterranean white oaks. Heredity 114: 373-86
  • Bartholomé J, Mandrou E, Mabiala A, Jenkins J, Nabihoudine I, Klopp C, J Schmutz, Plomion C, Gion JM (2015) High-resolution genetic linkage maps of Eucalyptus improve BRASUZ1 reference genome assembly. New Phytol 206:1283-96
  • Legay M, Bastien C, Bastien JC, Bartet X, Davi H, Dhôte JF, Ducousso A, Benito- Garzón M, Caquet T, Dreyfus P, Jambois A, Lefèvre F, Marçais B, Mengin-Lecreulx P, Micheneau C, Pinto P, Plomion C, Sardin T (2015) Adaptation : vers un enrichissement du dialogue recherche-gestion. Innovations Agronomiques’. Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, "Intensification durable des systèmes de production forestière", 47, 121-130.
  • Plomion C, Adam-Blondon AF, éditeurs (2015) Land plants: Trees. Série "Advances in Botanical Research, Elsevier", ISBN:  9780123985484.


  • Gion JM, Chaumeil P, Plomion C (2014) EucaMaps: Linking genetic maps and associated QTLs to the Eucalyptus grandis genome. TGG 11: 795
  • Garcés M, Le Provost G, Lalanne C, Claverol S, Barré A, Plomion C, Herrera R (2014) Proteomic analysis during ontogenesis of secondary xylem in maritime pine. Tree Physiol 34:1263-1277
  • Marguerit E, Bouffier L, Chancerel E, Costa P, Lagane F, Guehl JM, Plomion C, Brendel O (2014) The genetics of water-use efficiency and its relation to growth in maritime pine. J Exp Bot 65:4757-68
  • Mandrou E, Denis M, Plomion C, Salin F, Mortier F, Gion JM (2014) Nucleotide diversity patterns in lignification genes and association with lignin phenotypes in Eucalyptus urophylla. TGG 10:1281-1290
  • Hego E, Bes CM, Bedon F, Palagi PM, Chaumeil P, Barre A, Claverol S, Dupuy JW, Bonneu M, Lalanne C, Plomion C, Mench M (2014) Differential accumulation of soluble proteins in roots of metallicolous and non-metallicolous populations of Agrostis capillaris L. exposed to Cu. Proteomics 14:1746-58
  • Plomion C, Chancerel E, Endelman JB, Lamy JB, Mandrou E, Lesur I, Ehrenmann F, Vanheerwaarden J, Bink MCAM, Bouffier L (2014) Genome-wide distribution of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in a mass-selected population of maritime pine. BMC Genomics 15:171
  • Endelman JB, Plomion C (2014) LPmerge: an R package for merging genetic maps by linear programming. Bioinformatics 30: 1623-1624
  • Canales J, Bautista R, Label P, Gómez-Maldonado J, Lesur I, Fernández-Pozo N, Rueda-López M, Guerrero-Fernández D, Castro-Rodríguez V, Benzekri H, Cañas RA, Guevara MA, Rodrigues A, Seoane P, Teyssier C, Morel A, Ehrenmann F, Le Provost G, Lalanne C, Noirot C, Klopp C, Reymond I, García-Gutiérrez A, Trontin JF, Lelu-Walter MA, Miguel C, Cervera MT, Cantón FR, Plomion C, Harvengt H, Avila C, Claros MG, Cánovas FM (2014) de novo assembly of maritime pine transcriptome: implications for forest breeding and biotechnology. Plant Biotech J 12: 286–299
  • Lamy JB, Delzon S, Bouche P, Alia R, Vendramin GG, Cochard H, Plomion C (2014) Limited genetic variability and phenotypic plasticity for cavitation resistance in a Mediterranean pine. New Phytol 201: 874-86
  • Mauriat M, Le Provost G, Rozenberg P, Delzon S, Bréda N, Clair B, Coutand C, Domec JC, Fourcaud T, Grima-Pettenati J, Herrera R, Leplé JC, Richet Nicolas, Trontin JF, Plomion C (2014) Wood Formation in Trees. In Tree biotechnology, ed KGRamawat, JMMerillon, MR Ahuja Springer Verlag pp. 56-111.
  • Augusto L, Achat D, Bakker M, Boulanger V, Canteloup D, Landmann G, Legout A, Meredieu C, Plomion C, Pousse N, Ranger J, Trichet P (2014) Intensification des itinéraires et des récoltes : implication pour la durabilité des systèmes. Innovations Agronomiques’. Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, "Intensification durable des systèmes de production forestière", pp15-32.


  • Bartholomé J, Salmon F, Vigneron P, Bouvet JM, Plomion C, Gion JM (2013) Plasticity of primary and secondary growth dynamics in Eucalyptus hybrids: a quantitative genetics and QTL mapping perspective. BMC Plant Biol 13:120
  • Gailing O, Bodénès C, Finkeldey R, Kremer A, Plomion C (2013) Genetic mapping of EST-derived Simple Sequence Repeats (EST-SSRs) to identify QTL for leaf morphological characters in a Quercus robur full-sib family. Trees Genetics & Genomes 9:1361-1367
  • Le Provost G, Domergue F, Lalanne C, Ramos Campos P, Grosbois A, Bert D, Meredieu C, Danjon F, Plomion C, Gion JM (2013) Cuticular wax: an essentiel component of fast growing maritime pine saplings to cope with water deficit. BMC Plant Biol 13:95
  • Plomion C, Fievet V (2013) Oak genomics takes off and enters the ecological genomics era. New Phytol 199: 308-310
  • Chancerel E, Lamy JB, Lesur I, Noirot C, Klopp C, Ehrenmann F, Boury C, Le Provost G, Label P, Lalanne C, Léger V, Salin F, Gion JM, Plomion C (2013) High density linkage mapping in a pine tree reveals a genomic region associated with inbreeding depression and provides clues to the extent and distribution of meiotic recombination. BMC Biology 11:50
  • Ueno S, Klopp C, Noirot C, Léger V, Prince E, Kremer A, Plomion C, Le Provost G (2013) Transcriptional profiling of bud dormancy induction and release in oak by next-generation sequencing. BMC Genomics 14:236
  • Petit RJ, Carlson J, Curtu L, Loustau ML, Plomion C, Rodriguez AG, Sork V, Ducousso A (2013) Fagaceae trees as models to integrate ecology, evolution and genomics. New Phytol 197: 369-371


  • Lamy JB, Lagane F, Plomion C, Cochard H, Delzon S (2012) Micro-evolutionary patterns of juvenile wood density in a pine species. Plant Ecol 213: 1781-1792
  • Mackay J, Dean J, Plomion C, Peterson D, Canovas F, Pavy P, Ingvarsson P, Savolainen O, Guevara MA, Fluch S, Vinceti B, Abarca D, Díaz-Sala C, Cervera MT (2012) Towards decoding the conifer giga-genome. Plant Mol Biol 80: 555-569
  • Lamy JB, Plomion C, Kremer A, Delzon S (2012) QST < FST as a signature of canalization ? Mol. Ecol. 21: 5646-5655
  • de Miguel M, de Maria N, Guevara MA,  Diaz L, Sáez-Laguna E, Sánchez-Gómez D, Chancerel E, Aranda I, Collada C, Plomion C, Cabezas JA, Cervera MT (2012) Annotated genetic linkage maps of Pinus pinaster Ait. from a central Spain population based on microsatellites and gene based markers. BMC Genomics 13:527 
  • Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Murat F, Bagnoli F, Gailing O, Durand J, Koelewijn HP, Goicoechea P, Villani F, Roussel G, Salse S, Vendramin GG, Soularue JP, Boury C, Alberto F, Kremer A, Plomion C (2012) Comparative mapping in the Fagaceae and beyond using EST-SSRs. BMC Plant Biol 12:153
  • Ramos P, Le Provost G, Gantz C, Plomion C, Herrera R (2012) Transcriptional analysis of differentially expressed genes in response to stem inclination in young seedlings of pine. Plant Biology 14: 923-933
  • Ramos P, Valenzuela C, Le Provost G, Plomion C, Gantz C, Moya-Leon MA, Herrera R (2012) ACC oxidase and ACC synthase expression profiles after leaning of young radiata (P. radiata D. Don) and maritime pine (P. pinaster Ait.) seedlings. J Plant Growth Regul 31: 382-391
  •  Kremer A, Abbott AG, Carlson JE, Manos PS, Plomion C, Sisco P, Staton ME, Ueno S, Vendramin GG (2012) Genomics of Fagaceae. Trees Genetics & Genomes (2012) 8:583–610
  • Le Provost G, Sulmon C, Frigério JM, Bodénès C, Kremer A, Plomion C (2012) The role of water-logging responsive genes in shapping inter-specific differentiation between two sympatric oak species. Tree Physiol 32: 19-134
  • Mandrou E, Emilie Villar  E, Paulo Hein P,  Vigneron P, Plomion C, Gion JM (2012). A candidate gene for lignin composition in Eucalyptus: Cinnamoyl CoA Reductase (CCR). Trees Genetics & Genomes 8: 353-364
  • Lepoittevin C, Harvengt L, Plomion C, Garnier-Géré P (2012) Association mapping for growth, straightness and wood chemistry-traits in the Pinus pinaster Aquitaine breeding population. Trees Genetics & Genomes 8:113–126
  • Vincent D, Kohler A, Claverol S, Solier E, Joets J, Gibon J, Lebrun M-H, Plomion C, Martin M (2012) The secretome of the free-living mycelium from the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria bicolour. Journal of Proteome Research 11: 157–171
  • Bedon F, Villar E, Vincent D, Dupuy JW, Lomenech AM, Mabialangoma A, Chaumeil P, Barré A, Plomion C, Gion JM (2012) Proteomic plasticity of two Eucalyptus genotypes under contrasted water regimes in the field. Plant Cell Env 35: 790–805 


  • Plomion C, Vincent D, Bedon F, Joets J, Bonhomme L, Morabito D, Duplessis S, Nilsson R, Wingsle G, Larsson C, Jolivet Y, Renaut J, Pechanova O, Yuceer C (2011) Chapter 6 Poplar Proteomics : Update and Future Challenges  In: Joshi, CP, and SP DiFazio (eds) Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Crop Plants: Poplar Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire p128-165
  • Plomion C, Bousquet J, Kole C (eds) (2011) Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Conifers In: Kole C (ed) Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Crop Plants Science Publ, CRC press, Enfield, NH, USA 480p
  • Villar E, Klopp C, Noirot C, Novaes E, Kirst M, Plomion C, Gion J-M (2011). RNA-Seq reveals genotype-specific molecular responses to water deficit in Eucalyptus. BMC Genomics 12:538
  • Lesur I, Durand J, Sebastiani F, Gyllenstrand N, Bodénès C, Lascoux M, Kremer K, Vendramin GG, Plomion C (2011) A sample view of the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) genome from the sequencing of hypomethylated and random genomic libraries. Trees Genetics & Genomes 7: 1277-1285
  • Vornam B, Gailing O, Dérory J, Plomion C, Kremer A, Finkeldey R (2011) Characterization and allelic variation of a  dehydrin gene in Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. Plant Biol 13: 881–887
  • Lamy JB, Bouffier L, Burlett R, Plomion C, Cochard H, Delzon S (2011) Uniform selection as the primary evolutionary force of cavitation resistance across a species range. PlosOne 6(8): e23476. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023476
  • Chancerel E, Lepoittevin C, Le Provost G, Lin YC, Jaramillo-Correa JP, Eckert AJ, Wegrzyn JL, Zelenika D, Boland A, Frigerio JM, Chaumeil P, Garnier-Géré P, Boury C, Grivet D, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Rouzé P, van de Peer Y, Neale DB, Cervera MT, Kremer A, Plomion C (2011) Development and implementation of a highly-multiplexed SNP array for genetic mapping in maritime pine and comparative mapping with loblolly pine. BMC Genomics 12: 368
  • Kremer K, Vinceti B, Alia R, Burczyk J, Cavers S, Degen B, Finkeldey R, Fluch S, Gömöry D, Gugerli F, Koelewijn HP, Koskela J, Lefèvre F, Morgante M, Mueller-Starck G, Plomion C, Taylor G, Turok J, Savolainen O, Ziegenhagen B (2011) Forest ecosystem genomics and adaptation : Evoltree conference report. Trees Genetics & Genomes 7:869–875
  • Lepoittevin C, Rousseau JP, Guillemin A, Gauvrit C,  Besson F, Hubert F, Da Silva Perez D, Harvengt L, Plomion C  (2011) Genetic parameters of growth, straightness and wood chemistry traits in Pinus pinaster. Ann For Sci 68:873–884
  • Gion JM, Carouché A, Dewaere S, Boudet C, Bedon F, Pichavant F, Charpentier JP, Baillères H, Rozenberg P, Carocha V, Ougniabi N, Verhaegen D, Grima Pettenati J, Vigneron P, Plomion C (2011) Comprehensive genetic dissection of wood properties in a widely-grown tropical tree: Eucalyptus. BMC Genomics 12: 301
  • Faivre-Rampant P, Lesur I, Boussardon C, Bitton F, Bodénès C, Le Provost G, Bergès H, Fluch S, Kremer A, Plomion C (2011). Analysis of BAC end sequences in oak, providing  insights into the composition of the genome of this keystone species. BMC Genomics 12: 292
  • Abril N,  Gion J-M, Kerner R, Müller-Starck G, Navarro Cerrillo RM, Plomion C, Renaut J,  Valledor L, Jorrin-Novo JV (2011) Proteomics research on forest trees, the most recalcitrant and orphan plant species. Phytochemistry 72: 1219-1242
  • Simonet P, Plomion C, Martin F. Quand la génomique rencontre l’écologie. Biofutur 319 : 26-29
  • Bedon F, Majada J, Feito I, Chaumeil P, Dupuy JW, Lomenech AM, Barre A, Gion JM, Plomion C (2011) Interaction between environmental factors affects the accumulation of root proteins in hydroponically grown Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.). Plant Physiol Biochem 49: 69-76


  • Ueno S, Le Provost G, Léger V, Klopp C, Noirot C, Frigerio J-M, Salin F, Salse J, Abrouk M, Murat F, Brendel O, Derory J, Abadie P, Léger P, Cabane C, Barré A, de Daruvar A, Couloux A, Wincker P, Reviron M-P, Kremer A, Plomion C (2010) Bioinformatic analysis of ESTs collected by Sanger and pyrosequencing methods for a keystone forest tree species: oak. BMC Genomics 11: 650
  • Lepoittevin C, Frigerio JM, Garnier-Géré P, Salin F, Cervera M-T, Vornam B, Harvengt L, Plomion C (2010) In vitro vs in silico detected SNPs for the development of a genotyping array: What can we learn from a non-model species?  PlosOne 5(6): e11034. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011034
  • Abrouk M, Murat F, Pont C, Messing J, Jackson S, Faraut T,  Eric Tannier E, Plomion C, Cooke R, Feuillet C, Salse J (2010) Palaeogenomics of plants: synteny-based modelling of extinct ancestors.  Trends in Plant Sci 15: 479-487
  • Herrera R, Krier C, Lalanne C, Ba EHM, Stokes A, Salin F, Fourcaud T, Claverol S,  Plomion C (2010) (not) Keeping the stem straight: insigths from a phenotypic and proteomic analysis of young maritime pine seedlings undergoing phototropism and gravitropism. BMC Plant Biology 10:217
  • Durand J, Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Frigerio JM, Vendramin G, Sebastiani F, Buonamici A, Gailing O, Koelewijn HP, Villani F, Mattioni C, Cherubini M, Goicoechea PG, Herrán A, Ikaran Z, Cabané C, Ueno S, Alberto F, Dumoulin P-Y, Guichoux E, de Daruvar A, Kremer A, Plomion C (2010) A fast and cost-effective approach to develop and map EST-SSR markers: oak as a case study. BMC Genomics 11: 570

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