PGTB - Genome Transcriptome Facility of Bordeaux

Scientific directors: Olivier Lepais (INRAE) & Laurence Delhaes (CHU-UB)

Lab Manager: Erwan Guichoux (University of Bordeaux)

Financial Manager: Florence Le Pierres


The facility obtained the status of Collective Scientific Infractructure from INRAE and the University of Bordeaux in 2018 and 2019, respectively.


  • To carry out technological developments and services in the field of mid and high throughput sequencing and genotyping
  • Carrying out technological monitoring to anticipate needs
  • Advising and training users and co-developing data analysis methods

The Genome Transcriptome Facility of Bordeaux (PGTB) is an academic structure specialised in sequencing and genotyping. It was born out of the desire of the University of Bordeaux and INRAE to pool skills, technological and human resources for the benefit of the scientific community. The PGTB is part of the Fédération des Plateformes de l'Université de Bordeaux, and is a Pôle de Compétences Métier within the supporting unit: UMR 1202 Biodiversité, Gènes et Communautés (INRAE-UB). The PGTB is labelled INRAE Collective Scientific Infrastructure, Regional Strategic Platform by the National Commission of Collective Tools (CNOC) of INRAE and strategic facility by the GIS-IBISA. In addition, it is part of the INRAE Genomics Distributed Research Infrastructure and the France Génomique network, which groups together sequencing and genotyping facilities at the national level.

Its main tasks are:

  • To provide a service in the fields of sequencing and genotyping,
  • To carry out technological development and innovation,
  • To make its equipment available and to support the scientific communities in their projects,
  • To advise and provide expertise,
  • To pass on its knowledge and technological skills,
  • Train users and students.

 Technical fields:

  • Illumina short read and Oxford Nanopore Technologies long read sequencing
  • Genotyping by sequencing (capture, amplicons)
  • Targeted metagenomics
  • SNP genotyping by mass spectrometry and microsatellites by sequencing
  • PCR, qPCR, dd-PCR

How it works

The PGTB provides its services and know-how for regional, national and international projects via research collaborations (in service mode or research and development project) in fields as varied as agronomy, the environment and health. Its vocation is to meet the genotyping and sequencing needs of laboratories' research activities, and to be a centre open to the entire academic community (INRAE, CNRS, INSERM, IFREMER, Universities, CHU...) and to industrial players.

The PGTB is committed to ISO 9001 and NFX 50-900 certification. This approach is part of a desire to meet the expectations of INRAE, the University of Bordeaux, and the funding bodies (National State, Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, INRAE, GIS IBiSA) in a strategy of openness to academic and industrial users, and of partnership with other regional and national platforms. This approach guarantees users that their requirements and regulations are respected, as well as the traceability and quality of the analyses and results produced. The PGTB aims to increase the satisfaction of its users through the continuous improvement of its functioning and activities. In this respect, a Quality Management Manager has been appointed to lead this process.


Genomics, Sequencing, Genotyping, Biodiversity, Metabarcoding, Longs-reads, Bioanalysis

PGTB members



Olivier Lepais, INRAE

Zoé Delporte

Adline Delcamp, UB

Benjamin Penaud

Christophe Boury, INRAE

Emilie Chancerel, INRAE

Erwan Guichoux, UB

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Modification date: 21 June 2024 | Publication date: 12 February 2019 | By: O Lepais