Scientific collaborations

Scientific collaborations

BIOGECO sets up and develops collaborative projects with academia and socio-economic partners.

>At the international level, 72% (and 29%) of our publications are co-authored with at least 1 (and 3) foreign countries. We co-publish with researchers from 79 countries around the world, but mainly with European countries (CSIC, INIA and CREAF in Spain, WSL in Switzerland, CNR in Italy, SLU in Sweden, Universities of Freiburg, Ulm, London, Ghent, Liège, Lisbon, Copenhagen, Wageningen, Sydney, to name only the main research centers), the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


WoS 1.1.2014-5.6.2019 (corpus available here)

Photo World

international collaborations (corpus 1.1.2014-4.6.2019)

Collaborations scienti europe

european collaborations (corpus 1.1.2014-4.6.2019)

>At the European level, we have coordinated more than 25 collaborative projects and international exchange networks. Among the ongoing European projects, we coordinate the HOMED project (coord. H Jactel and ML Desprez-Loustau) TREEPEACE (ERC, coord. A Kremer) and participate in the GENTREE, SAMFIX, B4EST and FORGENIUS projects. We have also created and coordinate the European network EVOLTREE, thus perpetuating the work done between 2006 and 2010 in the framework of a network of excellence funded by the European Union "Evolution of trees as drivers of terrestrial biodiversity" set up in the framework of the 6th European Framework Program and gathering 25 laboratories from 15 countries (coord. A. Kremer).

We welcome many scientific visitors from all over the world, with 15 to 20 stays of more than one month per year.

Finally, we actively participate to IUFRO (the International Union of Forest Research Organizations), an international non-governmental network of forest scientists. Santiago Gonzalez-Martinez is currently the coordinator of Division 2 (Physiology and Genetics) and Hervé Jactel is the co-coordinator of Subdivision 7.3 (Entomology).

>At the national level, our main academic collaborators are from other INRAE teams, CNRS (25% of our publications), IRD (8%), CIRAD (7.5%), Agro-Paris-Tech (6%) and the Universities of Montpellier (7.5%), Paris-Saclay (7%), Clermont Auvergne (7%), Lorraine (7%), Toulouse (5%), Montpellier SupAgro (5%)...
The thight collaboration with FAUNA, a wildlife observatory, allows us to valorize the surveys carried out in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, and to develop a multi-taxonomic approach for the study of biodiversity.
We also have a fruitful collaboration with an NGO, the Network for sustainable management of planted forest (IEFC), notably on risk analysis and management of planted forests.
The UMR benefits from the "Investment for the Futur" Program of the State. We are part of two laboratories of excellence (LabEx COTE and CEBA) and participate in an effort to modernize and open our research infrastructure (EquipEx XYLOFOREST). We are involved in the new national infrastructure gathering research facilities of institutions working on forest management (In-Sylva-France). We are also part of the national infrastructure RARe in which we are involved through the "forest" pilar. Finally, a team of the UMR is associated with INRIA to develop intensive scientific computing methods to better understand the organization of biodiversity.

> Locally, it is within the framework of our active participation in the newly funded project by the University of Bordeaux "Bordeaux Plant Sciences" that we will strengthen our local collaborations.

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 12 February 2019 | By: CPlomion