Books and chapters

Books and chapters


  • Coince A, Plomion C, Dreyer D. (2020). « Publier autrement » : les implications pour le quotidien des équipes de recherche. In : Les actes du colloque de Pont-à-Mousson du département EFPA de l’Inra
  • Kerdelhué C, Leplé JC, Duplessis S, Bouchez A, Faivre-Rampant P, Heuertz M, Jorge V, Jousselin E, Kohler A, Label P, McCairns S, Plomion C, Pujade-Renaud V, Schimann H, Segura V (2020) Apport de la génomique à la compréhension des processus biologiques à différentes échelles. In : Les actes du colloque PAM4 du département EFPA de l’Inra.


  • Alard D, Angelier F, Barraquand F, Bech N, Bretagnolle V, Brunet Y, Clause J, Garcia P, Guinard Y, Houte S, Marchand L, Mbolatiana R, Mench M, Pinaud D, Polard T, Revers F, Sahraoui Y, Taabni M, Yengué J-L (2019) Évaluation régionale des connaissances sur les services rendus par la biodiversité au fonctionnement des socio-écosystèmes dans les territoires urbains et artificialisés. 75-114 Chapitre 6 Socio-écosystème territoires urbains artificialisés, in Ecobiose: La biodiversité une composante essentielle pour l’économie et la culture en Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Bretagnolle V, Delmas O (Eds.). CNRS – Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
  • Barreneche T, Botta R, Robin C (2019) Advances in breeding of chestnuts. Chapter taken from: Serdar, Ü. and Fulbright, D. (eds.), Achieving sustainable cultivation of tree nuts, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2019, (ISBN: 978 1 78676 224 5; DOI: 10.19103/AS.2018.0042.16
  • Compant C, Vacher C (2019) Sources, niches and routes of colonization by beneficial bacterial endophytes. In: Endophyte biotechnology: promise for agriculture and pharmacology (Ed. A Schouten), CABI Biotechnology Series
  • Desprez-Loustau ML, Hamelin F, Ais BB (2019) The ecological and evolutionary trajectory of oak powdery mildew in Europe. Wildlife Disease Ecology: Linking Theory to Data and Application, 429.
  • Desquilbet, L, Granger S, Hejblum B, Legrand A, Pernot P, Rougier NP, de Castro Guerra E, Courbin-Coulaud M, Duvaux L,  Gravier P, Le Campion G, Roux S, Santos F (2019) Vers une recherche reproductible : Faire évoluer ses pratiques.
  • Gonthier P, Robin C (2019) Chapter 11 Diseases. in “The Chestnut Handbook: Crop & Forest Management, 1st Edition, Gabriele Beccaro, Alberto Alma, Giancarlo Bounous, Jose Gomes-Laranjo. CRC Press, Published December 2, 2019, 364 Pages, ISBN 9781138334021 - CAT# K393295
  • Mutke S, Vendramin GG, Fady B, Bagnoli F, González-Martínez SC (2019) Molecular and quantitative genetics of stone pine (Pinus pinea L.). In: Genetic Diversity in Horticultural Plants, Nandwani D (Ed.), series on ‘Sustainable Development and Biodiversity’, Springer, pp 61-84.
  • Petit RJ, Emeyriat R (2019) Xyloforest – 127 thèses de doctorat pour la forêt et le bois. 224 p., Xyloforest
  • Quine C, Atkinson N, Denman S, Desprez-Loustau, ML, Jackson R, Kirby K (2019)  An assessment of the current evidence on oak health in the UK, identification of evidence gaps and prioritisation of research needs. Action Oak, 193 p., 978-1-5272-4193-0


  • Arbez M, Carnus JM, Kremer A (2018) Forêts d'hier et de demain. 50 ans de recherche en Aquitaine. Pessac, FRA : Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 248 p
  • Benito-Garzón M, Caignard T, Deuffic P, Kremer A, Orazio O, Porté AJ, Robin C, Sergent A(2018) Changement climatique et forêt en Nouvelle-Aquitaine : nouvelles forêts et nouvelles attentes ? In: AcclimaTerra, Le Treut, H. (dir). Anticiper les changements climatiques en Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Pour agir dans les territoires. Éditions Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, 488 p.
  • Dia Sow M, Allona I, Ambroise C, Conde D, Fichot R, Gribkova S, Jorge V, Le-Provost G, Pâques L, Plomion C, Salse J, Sanchez-Rodriguez L, Segura V, Töst J, Maury S (2018) Chapter 12, Epigenetics in forest trees: state of the art and potential implications for breeding and management in a context of climate change. In: Epigenetics coming of age for breeding applications. Advances in Botanical Research 88: 387-453
  • Duvaux L., “Détection génomique de CNV par nouvelles technologies de séquençage”, dans Tagu, Jaubert-Possamai et Méreau, Principes des techniques de biologie moléculaire et génomique, Quae, 2018, 312pp.
  • Gerber S. 2018. « Les plantes cultivées cachent-elles la forêt ? » in Hiernaux Q., Timmermans B. (eds), Philosophie du végétal, Paris, Vrin - Annales de l’institut de philosophie de l’université de Bruxelles, ISBN 978-2-7116-2834-6 : 91-114.
  • Hansen E, Robin C (2018) PART I: Biotic Diseases “Phytophthora Diseases-Port-Orford Cedar Root Disease" in Forests and Christmas Trees, Second Edition E. M. Hansen, K. J. Lewis, and G. A. Chastagner, pp9-11. DOI: 10.1094/9780890545980
  • Piou D, Robin C, Delatour C (2018). PART IV: Diseases in the Forest "Europe" in Compendium of Conifer Diseases and Pests in Forests and Christmas Trees, Second Edition E. M. Hansen, K. J. Lewis, and G. A. Chastagner, pp171-173.
  • Plomion C (2018) Chapitre 5.V : Les forêts et le bois en Aquitaine, vers de nouveaux défis. A la recherche des gènes d’intérêt : un nouveau champ d’investigation pour étudier le fonctionnement et l’évolution des arbres forestiers, la génomique. In : Forêts d’hier et de demain, 50 ans de recherches en Aquitaine, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux


  • Banos A, Le Néchet F, Ouriachi M-J, Franc A (2017) Simuler des transitions : une introduction aux modèles spatio-temporels. Chapitre 3 in Peupler la Terre, de la préhistoire à l’ère des métropoles, L. Sanders Ed., Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, pp. 89-110
  • Bauhus J, Forrester DJ, Gardiner B, Jactel H, Vallejo R, Pretzsch H (2017) Mixed-species forests: ecology and management. In: Hans Pretzsch (ed.), David I. Forrester (ed.), Jürgen Bauhus (ed.), dir., Mixed-Species Forests. Ecology and Management (p. 337-382). Berlin, DEU : Springer-Verlag., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-662-54553-9_7
  • Bretagnolle A, Franc A (2017) Transition 9 : vers des systèmes de villes intégrés (France, XVIIIè – XIXè siècles). Chapitre 12 in Peupler la Terre, de la préhistoire à l’ère des métropoles, L. Sanders Ed., Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, pp. 333-359.
  • Corcket E, Giffard B, Sforza RFH (2017) Food Webs and Multiple Biotic Interactions in Plant-Herbivore Models. In : N. Sauvion, P-A. Calatayud, D. Thiéry (Volume Eds), Advances in Botanical Research: Vol 81. Insect-Plant Interactions in a Crop Protection Perspective (pp. 111-137). Elsevier
  • Franc A (2017) Retour sur les SMA comme outil et cadre conceptuel de modélisation. Annexe 2 au chapitre 17, M.-J. Ouriachi & al., in Peupler la Terre, de la préhistoire à l’ère des métropoles, L. Sanders Ed., Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, pp. 479-482.
  • Gerber S (2017) Une plante est un individu : vérité, exactitude ou abus de langage ? Cahiers Art et Science, Numéro spécial 9 - revue annuelle Langage, vérité, exactitude. Pages 121-128. Éditions confluences, Bordeaux ISBN : 978-2-35527-2097
  • Marchand L, Jaunatre R, Mench M 2017. Impact des contaminants sur la structure et le fonctionnement des communautés de végétaux supérieurs. pp. 261-300, Chapitre 11 in Ecotoxicologie, des communautés au fonctionnement des écosystèmes, C. Bernard, C. Mougin, A. Péry (Eds.) ISTE Editions, London, UK. 381 p. ISBN 978-1-78405-315-4
  • Ouriachi M-J, Betroncello, F, Franc A (2017) Transition 6 dite « romanisation » (IIième siècle av. J.C. - Ier siècles ap. J. C.).  Chapitre 9 in Peupler la Terre, de la préhistoire à l’ère des métropoles, L. Sanders Ed., Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, pp. 243 – 271.
  • Tannier C, Franc A, Ouriachi MJ, Zadora-Rio E (2017) Entre modèles et récits, les transitions dans un système de peuplement. Chapitre 14 in Peupler la Terre, de la préhistoire à l’ère des métropoles, L. Sanders Ed., Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, pp. 387 – 407.


  • Castagneyrol B, Fernandez-Conradi P, Rasmussen PU, Robin C, Tack T (2018). Belowground–aboveground interactions between pathogens and herbivores. In: Takayuki Ohgushi (ed.), Susanne WurstScott (ed.), Scott N. Johnson (ed.), dir., Aboveground–belowground community ecology (p. 135-174). Ecological Studies. Heidelberg, DEU : Editions Springer., DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-91614-9_7
  • Gugerli F, Brandl R, Castagneyrol B, Franc A, Jactel H, Koelewijn HP, Martin F, Peter M, Pritsch K, Schröder H, Smulders MJ, Kremer A, Ziegenhagen B (2016) Community genetics in the time of next generation molecular technologies. In: Antoine Kremer (Editeur), Stéphanie Hayes (Editeur), Santiago C. González-Martínez (Editeur), dir., Evolution of trees and forest communities (p. 105-114). FRA : PG Edition. 175 p.
  • Kremer A, Hayes S, Gonzalez-Martinez S (2016) Evolution of Trees and Forest Communities : Ten Years of the EVOLTREE network. ED. IEFC ISBN: 978-2-9519296-3-9, 192 p
  • Mariette S, Tavaud M, Horvath A (2016) Domestication et histoire évolutive des espèces fruitières: l'apport des études de génétique. Exemples chez les Rosacées. In : Des fruits d'ici et d'ailleurs. Regards sur l'histoire de quelques fruits consommés en Europe. Pages 117-138 ; Editeur Omniscience.


  • Branco M., Santos H., Rocha S., Païva M-R., Mateus E., Burban C., Kerdelhué C. (2015) Allochronic differentiation and ecological divergence in a phenologically shifted population of the pine processionary moth in Portugal. In: Processionary Moths and Global Change: an update. Roques A. (Ed), Quae - Springer, 208-217.
  • Costes E, Gion JM (2015) Genetics and genomics of tree architecture. In: Christophe Plomion, Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon, dir., Land Plants - Trees (p. 157-200). Advances in Botanical Research, 74. Amsterdam, NLD: Academic Press-Elsevier. DOI:10.1016/bs.abr.2015.05.001
  • Gégout DA, Corket E, Party J-P, Gauquelin T, Mansat A, Nihlgård B, Leguédois S, Sverdrup HU (2015) Evaluation of plant responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition in France using integrated soil-vegetation models. In: Critical Loads and Dynamic Risk Assessments: Nitrogen, Acidity and Metals in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems (eds. de Vries W, Hettelingh J-P, Posch M), p. 359. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Jactel H, Barbaro L, Battisti A, Bosc A, Branco M, Brockerhoff EG, Castagneyrol B, Dulaurent AM, Hódar JA, Jacquet JS, Mateus E, Paiva MR, Roques A, Samalens JC, Santos H, Schlyter F (2015) Insect – Tree Interactions in Thaumetopoea pityocampa. In: Alain Roques, dir., Processionary moths and climate change : an update (p. 265-310). Berlin, DEU : Editions Springer., DOI : 10.1007/978-94-017-9340-7_6
  • Kerdelhue C., Ipekdal K., Simonato M., Salvato P., Burban C., Roussele, J., Zane L., Mendel Z. & Battisti, A. (2015) Phylogeography of the pine processionary moth complex: genetic structure and potential contact or hybrid zones. In: Processionary Moths and Global Change: an update. A. Roques (Ed), Quae - Springer, 178-187.
  • Mulder C, Bennett EM, Bohan DA, Bonkowski M, Carpenter SR, Chalmers R, Cramer W, Durance I, Eisenhauer N, Fontaine C, Haughton AJ, Hettelingh JP, Hines J, Ibanez S, Jeppesen E, Krumins JA, Ma A, Mancinelli G, Massol F, McLaughlin O, Naeem S, Pascual U, Peñuelas J, Pettorelli N, Pocock MJO, Raffaelli D, Rasmussen JJ, Rusch GM, Scherber C, Setälä H, Sutherland WJ, Vacher C, Voigt W, Vonk JA, Wood SA, Woodward G (2015) 10 Years Later: Revisiting Priorities for Science and Society a Decade after the Millennium Assessment. Advances in Ecological Research, 53, 1-53, DOI: 10.1016/bs.aecr.2015.10.005
  • Paiva MR, Mateus E, Branco M, Santos H, Battisti A, Roques A, Brockerhoff EG, Jactel H (2015). Mechanisms of Host Tree Selection by the Pine Processionary Moth. In: Alain Roques, dir., Processionary moths and climate change: an update (p. 266-281). Berlin, DEU : Editions Springer.
  • Pereira-Lorenzo S, Costa R, Agnanostakis S, Serdar U, Yamamoto T, Saito T, Ramos-Cabrer A M, Ling Q, Barreneche T, Robin C, Botta R, Contessa C, Conedera M, Martin L, Martin A, Gomes-Laranjo J, Villani F, Carlson J (2016) Interspecific hybridization of chestnut In: Annaliese S. Mason (Ed.), dir., Polyploidy and Hybridization for Crop Improvement (p. 377-407). Boca Raton, USA : CRC Press., DOI: 10.1201/9781315369259-16.
  • Plomion C, Adam-Blondon AF, éditeurs (2015) Land plants: Trees. Série "Advances in Botanical Research, Elsevier", ISBN:  9780123985484
  • Probst A., Obeidy C., Gaudio N., Belyazid S. , Gégout J.C., Alard D., Corcket E., Party J.P., Gauquelin T., Mansat A., Nihlgård B., Leguédois S. & Sverdrup H. (2015) Evaluation of Plant Responses to Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in France Using Integrated Soil-Vegetation Models. In: de Vries W., Hettelingh JP., Posch M.(eds) Critical Loads and Dynamic Risk Assessments. Environmental Pollution, vol 25. Springer, Dordrech
  • Simonato M., Battisti A., Kerdelhué C., Burban C., Lopez-Vaamonde C., Pivotto I., Salvato P., Negrisolo E. (2015) Evolutionary history of the genus Thaumetopoea. In: Processionary Moths and Global Change: an update. A. Roques (Ed), Quae - Springer, 165-178.


Auger-Rozenberg M-A, Barbaro L, Battisti A, Blache S, Charbonnier Y, Denux O, Garcia J, Goussard F, Imbert C-E, Kerdelhué C (2014) Ecological responses of parasitoids, predators and associated insect communities to the climate-driven expansion of the pine processionary moth. In: Processionary Moths and Climate Change: An Update, pp. 311-357. Springer.

Barbaro L, Charbonnier Y, Vétillard F, Blache S, Battisti A (2014) Numerical and functional responses of predatory vertebrates to the pine processionary moth. In: Roques A. (ed.). Processionary moths and global change: an update. Springer Verlag.

Jactel H, Barbaro L, Battisti A, Bosc A, Branco M, Brockerhoff E, Castagneyrol B, Dulaurent A-M, Hódar JA, Jacquet J-S (2014) Insect-tree interactions in Thaumetopoea pityocampa. In: Processionary Moths and Climate Change: An Update, pp. 265-310. Springer.

Kerdelhué C, Battisti A, Burban C, Branco M, Cassel-Lundhagen A, İpekdal K, Larsson S, Lopez-Vaamonde C, Magnoux E, Mateus E (2014) Genetic diversity and structure at different spatial scales in the processionary moths. In: Processionary Moths and Climate Change: An Update, pp. 163-226. Springer.

Mauriat M, Le Provost G, Rozenberg P, Delzon S, Bréda N, Clair B, Coutand C, Domec JC, Fourcaud T, Grima-Pettenati J, Herrera R, Leplé JC, Richet N, Trontin JF, Plomion C (2014) Wood Formation in Trees. In Tree Biotechnology, eds KG Ramawat, JM Merillon & MR Ahuja, Springer verlag.

Sutton MA, Mason KE, Sheppard LJ, Sverdrup H, Haeuber R, Hicks WK, Stevens CJ, Dupré C, Dorland E, Gaudnik C, Gowing DJG, Bleeker A, Diekmann M, Alard D, Bobbink R, Fowler D, Corcket E, Mountford JO, Vandvik V, Aarrestad PA, Muller S, Dise NB (2014) Biodiversity of Acid Grasslands in the Atlantic Regions of Europe: The Impact of Nitrogen Deposition. In: Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity, pp. 243-250. Springer Netherlands.

Sutton MA, Mason KE, Sheppard LJ, Sverdrup H, Haeuber R, Hicks WK, Erisman JW, Leach A, Adams M, Agboola JI, Ahmetaj L, Alard D, Austin A, Awodun MA, Bareham S, Bird TL, Bleeker A, Bull K, Cornell SE, Davidson E, de Vries W, Dias T, Emmett B, Goodale C, Greaver T, Haeuber R, Harmens H, Hicks WK, Hogbom L, Jarvis P, Johansson M, Russell Z, McClean C, Paton B, Perez T, Plesnik J, Rao N, Schmidt S, Sharma YB, Tokuchi N, Whitfield CP (2014) Nitrogen Deposition Effects on Ecosystem Services and Interactions with other Pollutants and Climate Change. In: Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity, pp. 493-505. Springer Netherlands.


Anonymous (2013) Models for adaptive Forest management. MOTIVE project final report (project FP7 226544) 60 p.

Bouffier L, Raffin A, Alía R (2013) Chap. 4: Maritime pine – Pinus pinaster Ait.. In Best practice for tree breeding in Europe, Mullin TJ & Lee SJ eds, pp 65-76.

Cochard H, Delzon S (2013) Misunderstanding sap ascent in trees.Journal of Plant Hydraulics, e0001.

Danjon F, Stokes A, Bakker MR (2013) Root systems of woody plants. In: Plant Roots: The Hidden Half, Fourth Edition. Beeckman T & Eshel A, editors, pp. 1-29. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Lamy J-B, Delzon S, Kremer A (2013) Chapter IV: Adaptive potential-a partial insurance against climate change risks. In: Fitzgerald, J. and Lindner, M. (eds.) (2013) Adapting to climate change in European forests - Results of the MOTIVE project (eds. Fitzgerald J, Lindner M), p. 108. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia.

Schröder P, Mench M, Schwitzguébel J-P (2013) Remediation of environmental contaminants. In: Anjum, Naser A (ed.), Phytotechnologies: Remediation of environmental contaminants. Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press.


Bedon F, Legay S (2012) Lignin synthesis, transcriptional regulation and potential for useful modification in plants. In: Plant Sciences Reviews (ed. Hemming D), pp. 89-106. CABI, Wallingford, UK.

de Lafontaine G, Payette S (2012) How climate and fire disturbances influence contrasted dynamics of Picea glauca ecotones at Alpine tree lines in Atlantic and continental eastern North America. In: Ecotones Between Forest and Grassland (ed. Myster RW), pp. 299-312. Springer.

Kremer A, Baker A , Bousquet J, Cervera MT, Fluch S, Koskela J, MacKay JU, Neale D, Ritland K, Savolainen O, Vinceti B, Wheeler N, Whitham TG (2012) A roadmap for future transatlantic research cooperation on adaptation of forest trees to environmental change. Document prepared for the European Commission by the FoResTTrac project.

Plomion, C (2013) A forest of sigmoidalistic monsters: Part 1: phenotypic description. Journal of Sigmoidal Plant Hydraulics1, 5 p.

Robin C (2012) Phytophthora on Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Murr. (Lawson cypress or Port-Orford-Cedar). JKI Data sheets-Plant Diseases and Diagnosis

Robin C, Smith I, Hansen EM (2012) Phythophthora cinnamomi. Forest Phytophthoras 2(1). doi: 10.5399/osu/fp.2.1.3041


Alard D, Dorland E, Dupre C, Stevens C, Gaudnik C, Corcket E, Dise N, Diekmann M, Bobbink R, Aarrestad PA (2011) 5.6 Impact of nitrogen deposition on species richness of calcareous grasslands in Europe-some preliminary results. Nitrogen Deposition and Natura 2000, 154.

Anonymous 2011. Evolution of trees as drivers of trerrestrial biodiversity. EVOLTREE Final report (project FP6 016322). 155 p.

Bedon F, Legay S (2011) Lignin synthesis, transcriptional regulation and potential for useful modification in plants. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 6, 1-28.

Branco M, Grodzki W, Jacquet J-S, Jactel H, Moreira F, Netherer S, Schelhaas M-J, Tomé M (2011) Report on specific risk analysis in regional forests of Europe under various Forest Management Alternatives. EFI Technical Report.

Desprez Loustau M-L, Rizzo DM (2011) Fungi. In: Daniel Simberloff & Marcel Rejmanek (Editors), Encyclopedia of biological invasions (p. 258-263). Berkeley, USA: University of California Press.

González-Martínez SC, Dillon S, Garnier-Géré PH, Gil MR, Grivet D, Heuertz M, Jaramillo-Correa JP, Lascoux M, Neale DB, Savolainen O (2011) Patterns of nucleotide diversity and association mapping. In: Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Conifers (eds. Plomion C, Bousquet J, Kole C), pp. 239-275. Science Publishers, St. Helier, Jersey.

Iturritxa E, Desprez-Loustau M-L, García-Serna I, Quintana E, Mesanza N, Aitken J (2011) Effect of alternative disinfection treatments against fungal canker in seeds of Pinus radiata.Seed Technology33, 88-110.

Jactel H (Coordinateur), Branco M, Grodzi W, Jacquet J-S, Moreira F, Netherer S, Schelhaas M-J, Tomé M (2011) Report on specific risk analysis in regional forests of Europe under various Forest Management Alternatives. EFI Technical Report 67, Joensuu, FIN: European Forest Institute, pp 1-92.

Jactel H, Vodde F (2011) Prevalence of biotic and abiotic hazards in European forests. EFI Technical Report 66, Joensuu, FIN: European Forest Institute, pp 1-30.

Mason WL, Meredieu C (2011) Silvicultural strategies, sustainability, and adaptation to climate change in forests of the Atlantic region of Europe.Journal of Forest Planning16 (Special Issue), 67-77.

Mullin T, Andersson B, Bastien J-C, Beaulieu J, Burdon R, Dvorak W, King J, Kondo T, Krakowski J, Lee S, McKeand S, Pâques EL, Raffin A, Russell J, Skroppa T, Stoehr M, Yanchuk A (2011) Economic importance, breeding objectives and achievements. In: Christophe Plomion, Jean Bousquet, Chittaranjan Kole, dir., Genetics, genomics and breeding of conifers (p. 40-127). Genetics, genomics and breeding of crop plants. Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press.

Plomion C, Bousquet J, Kole C (2011) Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Conifers. Science Publishers, Jersey.

Plomion C, Vincent D, Bedon F, Joets J, Bonhomme L, Morabito D, Duplessis S, Nilsson R, Wingsle G, Larsson C, Jolivet Y, Renaut J, Pechanova O, Yuceer C (2011) Poplar proteomics: update and future challenges. In: Genetics, genomics and breeding of poplar, pp. 128-165.

Sache I, Roy A-S, Suffert F, Desprez Loustau M-L (2011) Invasive plant pathogens in Europe. In: David Pimentel, dir., Biological invasions : economic and environmental costs of alien plant, animal, and microbe species (p. 227-242). Boca Raton, USA : CRC Press.

Strengbom J, Andersen HV, Aazem K, Adema EB, Alard D, Bobbink R, Bringmark L, Buchwald E, Cape JN, Cruz C, Feest A, Forsius M, Harmens H, Nordin A, Pinho P, Rotthier SLF, Sheppard L, Staelens J, Tsiouris S, Wuyts K (2011) New science on the effects of nitrogen deposition and concentrations on Natura 2000 sites (theme 3): working group report. In: Hicks WK, Whitfield CP, Bealey WJ, Sutton MA (eds.) Nitrogen deposition and Natura 2000: Science and practice in determining environmental impacts. COST Office - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 129-136.

Vangronsveld J, Weyens N, Ruttens A, Mench M (2011) Phytostabilisation of hazardous trace element contaminated sites. Trace Element Newsletter 2, 11-13.

Vangronsveld J, Witters N, Mench M (2011) Letter to TE News. Trace Element Newsletter2, 4-6.


Brockerhoff EG, Jactel H, Carnus J-M, Pawson S (2010) Biodiversity of plantation forests and its relevance for ecosystem functioning. The Role of Forest Biodiversity in the Sustainable Use of Ecosystem Goods and Services in Agro-Forestry, Fisheries, and Forestry, 62.

Desprez-Loustau M-L, Belrose V, Bergot M, Capron G, Cloppet E, Husson C, Piou D, Reynaud G, Robin C, Marçais B (2010) Simulating the effects of climate change on geographical range and the impact of forest pathogenic fungi. In: Loustau D (Ed.). Forests, Carbon Cycle and Climate Change. Editions Quae, Versailles, pp. 253-280.

Kremer A, Le Corre V, Petit RJ, Ducousso A (2010) Historical and contemporary dynamics of adaptive differentiation in European oaks. In: DeWoody A, Bickham J, Michler C, Nichols K, Rhodes G, Woeste K (eds) Molecular approaches in natural resource conservation. Cambridge University Press 101-122.

Kremer A (2010) Evolutionary responses of European oaks to climate change. Irish Forestry, 11-20.

Longdoz B, Granier A, Loustau D, Bakker M, Delzon S, Kowalski AS, Rambal S, Dufrêne E, Bonal D, Nouvellon Y (2010) Environmental control of carbon fluxes in forest ecosystems in France: a comparison between temperate, Mediterranean and tropical forests. In: Loustau D (Ed.). Forests, Carbon Cycle and Climate Change. Editions Quae, Versailles, pp. 27-53.

Michalet R, Touzard B (2010) Biotic interactions, Biodiversity and Community productivity. In: Positive Plant Interactions and Community Dynamics. CRC Press, pp. (4) 59-78.

Saint André L, Vallet P, Pignard G, Dupouey J-L, Colin A, Loustau D, Le Bas C, Meredieu C, Caraglio Y, Porté A, Hamza N, Cazin A, Nouvellon Y, Dhôte J-F (2010) Estimating carbon stocks in forest stands: 1. Methodological developments. In: Loustau D (Ed.). Forests, Carbon Cycle and Climate Change. Editions Quae, Versailles, pp. 79-100.


Desprez Loustau M-L (2009) Alien Fungi of Europe. In: James A. Drake, dir., Handbook of alien species in Europe (p. 15-28). Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology, 3. Berlin, DEU: Springer.

Frochot H, Balandier P, Michalet R, Van Lerberghe P (2009) France. In: Ian Willoughby, Philippe Balandier, Niclas Bentsen, Nick McCarthy, Jenny Claridge, Synthesis on forest vegetation management in Europe. Current practice and future requirements (p. 33-42). Bruxelles, BEL: COST Office.

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