Partnership with stakeholders

Partnership with stakeholders

The knowledge and mastery of the concepts of ecology and evolution are essential to manage ecosystems in a sustainable way and to transmit them in a good state to future generations. To this end, the partnership between upstream research and downstream stakeholders is essential. Thus, the unit's research activities are based not only on scientific partnerships (at the regional, national and international levels), but also on a strong and historical partnership with the stakeholders involved in the management of natural terrestrial environments, particularly with those located in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region.

GIS: groupement d'intérêt Scientifique Pin maritime du Futur (ONF, FCBA, CPFA, CRPF) / Coopérative de données

Collectivités territoriales: Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Conseil Général de la Gironde et des Landes, Bordeaux métropole

ONG et Associations: IEFC,

Unité de service de l'Université de Bordeaux : FAUNA

Gestionnaires des forêts : CRFP, CPFA, ONF

Office Français de la Biodiversité : OFB

Gestionnaires des espèces et des espaces : Conservatoires, Observatoires, Parcs et Réserves

Centre technologique : FCBA

Privés : Biotisa, Alliance, INVENIO,

DSF: Département Santé des Forêts du MAA

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 12 February 2019 | By: CPlomion