Computer Science Expertise Hub

Team leader : Frédéric Raspail

Financial  Manager : Florence Le Pierres



Within Biogeco, the "PCM info" Informatics group aims at facilitating interactions between non-computer Researchers/Engineers/Technicians and computer experts from either the PCM itself (computer engineers) or more largelly from Biogeco and INRAe.

On help requests, the PCM Info may put the user in contact with the appropriate person (i.e. the one who meets the qualifications being sought) or indicate the adapted computing infrastructure within or outside the lab.

How does it work ? 

Basically, the hub gathers expert people from different fields of computer science within a single group. This gathering promotes discussions and exchanges between sysadmin, program developpers, Bioinformaticians and Modellers.

This is an opportunity for each member of the team to discuss projects and/or develop mutual assistance. Doing so, we can set up good informatics practices in various projects and identify common solutions when possible.

Beyond the PCM, we aim at facilitating interactions between members of Biogeco having computer skills. Each member of the PCM-info is a bridge between the members of Biogeco and required computer skills. Direct interactions between members of the lab should be promoted as much as possible and the Informatics group can act as a support and complement colleagues’s skills when needed.

The Computer Science Expertise Hub provides different kind of assistances :

(i) Help in order to develop or use existing tools
(ii) Developpement of new tools and contribution to technical solutions
(iii) Informatic consulting (conception of new projects, investment estimation, recruitment…) and informatics infrastructure management (e.g. databases) in Biogeco
(iv) Coordination and networking of the informatics infrastructure with stakeholders in Pierroton and INRAe Bordeaux centre

When our help is required, our goal is, beyond providing an adapted technical solution, to empower users and to disseminate the informatics culture in the lab.


Sharing, Expertise, Coordination, Orientation, Database, Programmation, Calculation, Infrastructures, Data analysis


Permanent members

Non-permanent members

Philippe Chaumeil (IR INRAE)

Isabelle Lesur (IR)

Ludovic Duvaux (IR INRAE)

François Ehrenmann (IE INRAE)

Jean-Marc Frigerio (IR INRAE)

Frédéric Raspail (IE INRAE)

Jean-Paul Soularue (IE INRAE)

Franck Salin (IE INRAE)


Unit data management plan

"Equipments » and « Samples » databases

Attendances in INRAE CATI

GEDEOP (GEstion des Données d’Expérimentations, d’Observations et de Pratiques sur les agro-socio-éco-systèmes) : François Ehrenmann

IUMAN (Informatisation et Utilisation des Modèles pour les Agroécosystèmes Numériques) : Frédéric Raspail

IMOTEP (Information, Modèles et Traitement des données en Epidémiologie et dynamique de Populations) : Jean-Paul Soularue

PROSODIe (Compilations Reproductibilité et Qualité pour l’Informatique Scientifique) : Jean-Marc Frigerio

BIOS4BIOL (Bio-informatique et Statistiques pour la Biologie) : Ludovic Duvaux

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 12 February 2019 | By: ILesurKupin - LDuvaux