

Download BIOGECO flyer (version June 2020)

Scientific ambition: The research program of BIOGECO (Biodiversity Genes and Communities) is oriented towards the analysis of the structure, function and evolution of biodiversity at different levels of life (from genes to communities of organisms) in a perspective of sustainable management of resources and environments. The research is developed within 7 teams supported by 4 skill units that have the common ambition to promote an integrated analysis of biological diversity, considering the interactions between species, populations and individuals as drivers of its evolution.
Impacts: Based on the concepts of ecology and evolutionary biology, part of the knowledge produced is translated into adaptive management strategies for terrestrial ecosystems and contributes to informing public policies on the major issues related to global changes.
Disciplinary profile of the UMR: The UMR publishes peer-reviewed articles in various journals especially in the fields of Ecology, Plant Science, Forestry, Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Sciences, Biodiversity and Conservation, Genetics and Heredity.

Profile of BIOGECO in terms of " WoS Categories " or JCR

Profil Wos catégorie

*corpus WoS 01.01.2014-05.06.2019


Organization chart of BIOGECO


Modification date: 16 April 2024 | Publication date: 13 June 2019 | By: CPlomion