Fievet Virgil

Fievet Virgil

Associate Professor

I work on understanding the evolutionary ecology of ecological interactions. My works use community ecology and evolutionary genetics within the framework of eco-evolutionary dynamics. Recent advances in evolution have demonstrated that the evolution of phenotypic traits can operate on the same time scales as ecological dynamics. The Evolution of traits involved in the ecological interactions can often outweigh density-dependent effects and can change the selective processes within population of every species in a community.

My researches focus on trees foundation species and microbial communities. The former being long-lived drivers of ecological interactions and the latter being fast responding communities to selective pressures. My main hypothesis is that individual trait reaction norms depend on these eco-evolutionary feedback loops and that the tree niche construction process is a by-product of this evolution.

My current works are using methods from community ecology, metabarcoding and quantitative genetics. Recently I decided to test several metabarcoding pipelined to reconstruct ecological networks. There is indeed no clear view on the effects of the choice of metabarcoding tools and DNA analysis strategies on network metrics.

Over the last years, have been (still) involved in collaborations with India to study the ecology of a patrimonial dominant desert tree in Rajasthan, with Science-Po Bordeaux to study the ecology of social networks, and finally with UNICEF and other iNGOs to coordinate research actions in Humanitarian in Lebanon and Nepal.

I am heading the one-year degree before postgraduate studies in Ecology and Evolution at the University of Bordeaux, and also several courses in Statistics, data analyses, Ecology and Evolution for bachelors and undergraduates.

Equipe E4E

Fievet Virgil

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Modification date : 16 August 2023 | Publication date : 09 May 2019 | Redactor : CPlomion