Bordeaux University

Bordeaux University

Life Sciences for bachelors: Licence Sciences de la Vie, parcours « Sciences du Vivant »


We are covering fields from Ecology, Population genetics and Statistics. Below are listed the names of the courses (in french with english translation between brackets)


1st year Bachelor of Life Sciences : UE « Unité et Diversité du vivant » (Unity and Diversity in the tree of life)
2nd year Bachelor of Life Sciences : UE « Écologie Générale » (Ecology)
3rd year Bachelor of Life Sciences :

- UE « Statistiques pour l’Ecologie et la Biologie » (Statistics in Ecology);
- UE « Dynamique des Ecosystèmes et Biodiversité » (Biodiversity and Ecosystems functioning);
- UE « Génétique des Populations » (Population genetics);
- UE « Relevés et Inventaires des Organismes » (Methods to study organisms in their environement);
- UE «Taxinomie des Organismes » (Taxonomy);
- UE «L’Homme et les Ecosystèmes » (Human influences on Nature);

  • Licence professionnelle « Outils Biotechnologiques au service des filières de productions Agricoles »


Master’s degree « Biodiversité, Écologie, Evolution » (BEE)


Full and associate professors are in charge of the following masters :

  • One-year degree before postgraduate studies  « Biodiversité et Fonctionnement des écosystèmes Terrestres » (BFT ; création et responsabilité administrative)

The degree prepares students very well for the challenges of research in Ecology and Evolution. The research we do ranges widely from discovering where the nutrients come to define ecological communities, to studying the population genetics of a worm that threathen European forest, to uncovering the consequences on ecosystems of intergrating Evolution into Ecology in a eco-evolutionary feedback loop. Over the course of your degree, you might find yourself studying statistics for Ecology and Evolution, learning about molecular Ecology and Evolutionary processes, learning how species interact to define communities, and strengthening your writing and communicating skills for research and beyond. All of those skills are core basic skills you will used during a six-month internship in a lab before you graduate.

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 19 June 2019 | By: E Corcket